Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Playing Catch-Up and then some ...

It's been a while, no?  

I have been working on different quilts and it seems that every quilt has its own story...

I really like my customers.  They are excellent piecers and so kind when I make a whooper of a mistake ... like not noticing that a backing is directional and I go ahead and cut it WRONG WRONG WRONG (she asked that I piece the huge backing for her)!  Her response when I told her what I had done?  "Life's too short!  Don't worry about it.  It will be fine."  I really needed to hear that ... see what I mean about my customers?  Great attitude!

Oh, lordy ... some quilts are sent to me to teach me lessons and I do have one quilt that is teaching me lots and lots of lessons ... and I know that every long-arm quilter has had these experiences.  The quilt itself is meticulous.  The following commentary is directed to ME, the long-armer.   You measure, write it down, measure again ... cut the batting ... and then when you get to that wonderful "QUILT IS OFF THE FLOOR" place, you look ... and good grief, marie!  the batting is about 4" too short!  (I free-float my quilts so this little surprise is very very noticeable at this QUILT IS OFF THE FLOOR stage).  So now, I'm going to take a break, have a Mimosa (my beverage of choice these days), and enjoy the evening not quilting.  Like I said, some quilts are sent to teach me lessons ... and this lesson is:  NEVER EVER ASSUME THAT THE BATTING IS LONG ENOUGH.   We all know that 56" + 56" = 102", right?  Egads!  I needed at least 120" inches of batting, not 110" ... I think my math skills are being crowded out by the 'artsy-fartsy' creative skills ... Anyway, I have to go back and measure EVERYTHING one last time before taking that first stitch.  And these are quilts that are beautifully pieced, wonderful colors, all the good stuff ... and then anything that can go wrong will and usually does ...  I can report that the stitches are beautiful, the tension is great, and the quilting design is fabulous!  It's just the other stuff that sucks boulders!   By the way, the CAPS are for me, not directed at you, gentle reader ....  I'll try not to worry that you might not understand any of this ... i'm just so gob-smacked that all these problems (created by ME) have cropped on on one quilt!  Can I just get on with it and get it off the machine, please!!

Now on to brighter things!

So here are some quilts that have gone back to their own homes ... and all of these quilts quilted up very nicely, thank you!  

This first one is a HUGE and beautiful blue and yellow quilt going to a Mother-In-Law.  It was so big I had a hard time getting a good picture of it.  It turned out lovely!

This is a cutie-pie child's quilt made especially for "Oscar" ... Anne found this Richard Scarry pictorial fabric and since her own son loved these Richard Scarry books so much when he was a child, Anne decided to make this quilt for his friend's son Oscar. It is just too cute!

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